What is happening here?

If you happened to reach this website (www.genfiles.org) through some search engine, you should know that it is a website in process.   I am using it to convert www.genfiles.com to WordPress on a different host.  And, incidentally, to rewrite a number of its pages.   When I’m happy with the conversion I will change the domain from genfiles.org to genfiles.com.   So you might want to avoid saving or publishing any links to genfiles.org.

Why am I doing this?  WordPress offers me the opportunity to modernize the website in several ways — improve its readability, make it usable on tablets and smartphones, and make it much easier to maintain.   WordPress will make it loads easier for me to add new pages and edit old ones, which means I can handle more frequent and timlier updates.   I am using WordPress as a CMS (content management system) rather than as a blog manager, but I may implement the ability of readers to add their comments to pages.